Are you looking for the most in-depth GoHighLevel vs ActiveCampaign review? Then, you have come to the right place.

Firstly, check the comparison table below that will help you in making a quick and informed decision.

Table Comparison: GoHighLevel vs ActiveCampaign

Overview & Easy of use:

Winner: Tie
Full-fledged all-in-one
with a marketing system
for acquiring leads to
make sales

Pre-built pages and templates
for different niches
Specifically designed for email
marketing purposes and touch
of CRM capabilities.

Templates for email marketing.

Yes, GoHighLevel is a
customer relationship management (CRM)
Yes, ActiveCampaign has a CRM feature
among its wide range of features
Design and Themes:

Winner: Tie
GoHighLevel provides
lots of customizable
templates that can help
you fast-track what you
want to do on the
platform right away.
ActiveCampaign has series of
templates for email marketing
and touch of CRM templates
Plugins and Integrations:

Winner: Tie
There are lots of
integrations available
with third-party apps.
payment processor,
email marketing, etc.
Provide various integrations with
third-party apps and software.
Best For:

Winner: Tie
Best suited for small to
medium-sized businesses
that require an all-in-one
a platform for their sales and
marketing needs.
Small business owners that are majorly based on email marketing marketing
and also uses a bit of CRM features

Winner: Tie
Yes, GoHighLevel various
customization options that
enable businesses to tailor
the platform to their unique requirements.
Yes, ActiveCampaign offers a bit
of Customization
Marketing tools and resources

Winner: Tie
GoHighlevel has Lots of
tools and resources
are available to make
sure your business
converts and grow.
Has various marketing tools that
useful to your business growth.
Landing pages and lead pages:

GHL is best at letting
users build dedicated landing pages.
ActiveCampaign also provides a landing
page services for collecting email
specifically, like the Opt-in form.
Customer Support:

Winner: Tie
Access to 24/7 email,
live chat and open
ticket support.
Access to 24/7 customer support
across all the channels the platform
provides support to its
Team Collaboration:

Winner: Tie
You and your team can
work hand-in-hand in order
to do more and achieve
your business goals.
Yes, you and your team can also
work within the same dashboard
in order to get more done on time.

$97, $297, and $497
per month
$29, $49, and $149 per month
Inbuilt automation & workflow:


Easily create powerfully
workflows to automate your marketing with ease
Yes, all have different marketing tools.
Membership and courses:

You can build courses,
host videos and manage students with HighLevel
Yes but it's not part of the primary
purposes of the platform.
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GoHighLevel vs ActiveCampaign: Table Comparison

You will agree with me when I say that when it comes to managing your business, having the right tools can make all the difference that you need.

And today, we have many options available, and it can be challenging to choose the best platform for your needs. If you are just starting out especially.

This might be the reason why you are checking out GoHighLevel vs ActiveCampaign in order to know which is right for your business needs.

Today, we'll compare GoHighLevel vs ActiveCampaign to help you make an informed decision on which platform best suits your needs.

Buckle up, and let's dive in!

Overview – GoHighLevel vs ActiveCampaign

In this section, we will take a closer look at both software overviews.

GoHighLevel Overview

GoHighLevel vs ActiveCampaign - HighLevel Homepage
GoHighLevel vs ActiveCampaign – HighLevel Homepage

GoHighLevel is a cutting-edge marketing automation platform that empowers businesses of all sizes with a wide range of powerful tools designed to help them succeed in today's competitive marketplace.

With its comprehensive suite of features, including customer relationship management, website building, email marketing, SMS marketing, etc. Go High Level provides businesses with everything they need to streamline their marketing efforts and grow their customer base.

One of the standout features of GoHighLevel that get me using it back then is its user-friendly interface, which makes it easy to navigate and use.

GHL also offers a high level of customization, allowing users to tailor their marketing campaigns to their unique needs and goals. Which makes a HighLevel the best choice for many.

GoHighLevel integrates seamlessly with other popular tools and services, such as Zapier and Stripe, to automate workflows and increase productivity.

Its robust reporting and analytics capabilities provide valuable insights into marketing campaigns' performance, enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions and optimize their efforts for maximum effectiveness.

Thus, businesses can experience high ROI while paying less, doing less, and getting more results.

Go High Level is a super great marketing software for agencies and business owners.

ActiveCampaign Overview

ActiveCampaign vs GoHighLevel - AC homepage
ActiveCampaign vs GoHighLevel – AC Homepae

ActiveCampaign is a popular marketing automation tool used by businesses of all sizes to automate their marketing and sales processes.

It offers a range of features, including email marketing being its main core of business operations.

Also, it offers marketing automation, CRM, and sales automation, which allow businesses to personalize their marketing efforts and graceful their sales processes.

By using ActiveCampaign, businesses can create and send targeted email campaigns, automate their marketing workflows, manage their customer data and interactions, and integrate with other tools and platforms to create a seamless marketing strategy.

The platform's robust API also allows businesses to build custom integrations with their own tools and platforms.

Benefits – GoHighLevel vs ActiveCampaign

Here, you will learn about the benefits of both CRM tools.

Benefits of GoHighLevel

#1: CRM Capabilities

GoHighLevel's CRM feature allows businesses to manage their customer data and interactions in one place.

Users can track leads, deals, and customers, as well as set reminders, assign tasks, and schedule appointments.

The CRM also includes features such as lead scoring, pipeline management, automated follow-up, and many more.

#2: Marketing Automation

With Go High Level marketing automation feature, businesses can automate their marketing campaigns and workflows.

The platform offers a range of templates and integrations to help businesses create and send targeted email and SMS campaigns, as well as automate tasks such as lead generation, appointment booking, and follow-up.

#3: Appointment Scheduling

GoHighLevel's appointment scheduling feature allows businesses to manage their appointments and schedules in one place. Users can set their availability, send appointment reminders, and automatically update their calendars.

#4: Landing Pages and Funnels

GoHighLevel's landing page and funnel builder feature allows businesses to create high-converting landing pages and sales funnels in minutes.

Users can choose from a range of templates, customize their designs, and add integrations such as payment processors and email autoresponders.

#5: SMS and Voice Broadcasting

GHL SMS and voice broadcasting feature allow businesses to reach their customers and prospects via text and voice messages.

Users can easily create and send personalized messages to their contacts, as well as set up automated campaigns and follow-up sequences.

#6: Reviews and Reputation Management

With GoHighLevel's reviews and reputation management feature, businesses can monitor and manage their online reviews and reputation.

You can track reviews on various platforms, such as Google, Yelp, and Facebook, as well as request and respond to reviews from their customers.

#7: Team Management

Go High Level team management feature allows businesses to manage their team members and assign tasks and roles. Users can set permissions and access levels, as well as track their team's performance and productivity.

Benefits of ActiveCampaign

#1: Email marketing

Email marketing is the core business of ActiveCampaign and it only integrates CRM and sales pipeline management into it.

ActiveCampaign's email marketing feature allows businesses to create and send targeted email campaigns to their subscribers.

The platform offers a range of templates to choose from, as well as the ability to create custom templates.

Businesses can also segment their email lists based on various criteria to ensure that their emails are personalized and relevant to their subscribers.

#2: Sales Automation

ActiveCampaign's sales automation feature helps businesses streamline their sales processes and close more deals.

You can automate tasks such as lead qualification, appointment scheduling, and follow-up, as well as track their sales pipeline and performance.

#3: Integrations

ActiveCampaign offers a range of integrations with other tools and platforms, such as website builders, social media platforms, and other marketing tools. Users can also use the platform's API to build custom integrations with their own tools and platforms.

When it comes to integration, what you can do with Activecampaign is actually limitless.

#4: Machine Learning

ActiveCampaign's machine learning feature uses AI to analyze customer behavior and predict their likelihood to engage and convert.

This data personalizes their marketing and sales efforts, as well as identifies opportunities for growth and optimization.

#5: SMS Marketing

ActiveCampaign's SMS marketing feature allows businesses to reach their customers via text messages.

Users can create and send personalized SMS messages to their contacts, as well as set up automated campaigns and follow-up sequences.

GoHighLevel vs ActiveCampaign Price

In this section, we take a look at how both software compared in terms of pricing plans.

GoHighLevel Pricing

GoHighLevel offers 3 standard pricing plans which are suitable for all categories of businesses.

GoHighLevel pricing plan image
GoHighLevel vs ActiveCampaign – Pricing

HighLevel pricing plans are:

  • Agency Starter Package – $97 per month
  • Agency Unlimited Package – $297 per month
  • HighLevel White Label Package – $497 per month

Note: You can make a huge discount on HighLevel pricing by subscribing to its Yearly Plan. Also, HighLevel offers 14-day free trial.

GoHighLevel vs ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign Pricing

Hubspot has 2 pricing plans which are;

ActiveCampaign Pricing
ActiveCampaign vs GoHighLevel – Pricing
  • Professional – $890 per month
  • Enterprise – $3,600 per month

Note: If you want to access ActiveCampaign CRM features, then you need to be on the Pressional plan which costs $149 per month.

GoHighLevel vs ActiveCampaign

Pros and Cons – GoHighLevel vs ActiveCampaign

In this section, we will take a look at the pros and cons of each app so that you can see how they compare in terms of strengths and weaknesses.

GoHighLevel Pros and Cons

GoHighLevel Pros

  • User-friendly interface
  • Comprehensive CRM capabilities
  • SMS marketing functionality
  • Robust automation capabilities
  • Built-in appointment scheduling
  • Affordable pricing
  • White-labeling option for agencies
  • Excellent customer support
  • Extensive training and support resources
  • Customizable sales pipeline management for tracking leads and sales
  • Integration with popular third-party tools such as Zapier and Mailchimp
  • SMS marketing functionality for personalized outreach

GoHighLevel Cons

  • The steep learning curve for advanced features
  • No built-in email marketing functionality, which may require integration with third-party tools
  • Limited customization options for certain features, such as templates for appointment scheduling.

ActiveCampaign Pros and Cons

Hubspot Pros

  • Comprehensive email marketing feature
  • Robust automation capabilities
  • Advanced segmentation options
  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Integrates with a wide range of other tools and platforms
  • Strong customer support and community resources.

Hubspot Cons

  • Limited native landing page and form-building capabilities.
  • Occasional glitches and bugs in the platform
  • Limited reporting and analytics features

GoHighLevel Vs ActiveCampaign: Differences

GoHighLevel and ActiveCampaign are both comprehensive marketing, sales, and service platforms, but there are some key differences between the two:

  • Focus

GoHighLevel is primarily a CRM and sales automation platform, while ActiveCampaign is primarily a marketing automation platform (Email Marketing).

This means that GoHighLevel is more focused on helping businesses manage their customer interactions and sales processes, while ActiveCampaign is more focused on automating marketing campaigns and lead nurturing.

  • Features

GoHighLevel offers a range of features to help businesses manage their customer interactions, such as appointment scheduling, lead tracking, and deal management.

ActiveCampaign, on the other hand, offers a range of features to help businesses automate their marketing and sales processes, such as email marketing, marketing automation, and machine learning.

  • User Interface

GoHighLevel's user interface is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, while ActiveCampaign's user interface can be more complex and may require more training to use effectively.

  • Support

GoHighLevel offers phone, email, and chat support to its users, while ActiveCampaign offers email and chat support. Both platforms also offer extensive documentation and resources to help users get started and troubleshoot any issues they may encounter.

Here are more differences that can help you make an informed decision:

  • GoHighLevel is primarily a CRM and marketing automation platform, while ActiveCampaign is a marketing automation platform with some CRM features.
  • GoHighLevel offers more features for sales automation, while ActiveCampaign is stronger in email marketing automation.
  • GoHighLevel is generally more expensive than ActiveCampaign, particularly for larger teams but it does worth it with the features you are getting in return.

Ultimately, the choice between GoHighLevel and HubSpot will depend on a variety of factors, such as the specific needs and goals of the business, budget, and desired features and functionalities.

Regardless of what you may need, GoHighLevel will always comes through for you since we are a first hand user of the CRM platform and we know how powerful it's!

GoHighLevel vs ActiveCampaign

GoHighLevel Vs ActiveCampaign: Limitations

While both GoHighLevel and ActiveCampaign offer many benefits, they also have some limitations worth considering.

Limitations of GoHighLevel:

  • Limited social media management capabilities compared to some competitors.
  • No built-in email marketing functionality, which may require integration with third-party tools such as Mailchimp.

Limitations of Active Campaign

  • The platform's reporting and analytics features are not as robust or customizable as some other marketing automation platforms.
  • Certain advanced features, such as machine learning and predictive analytics, require more technical expertise to fully utilize.
  • Users have reported issues with email deliverability, particularly with regard to messages being flagged as spam by recipient email providers.

Please note the impact of these limitations may vary depending on the specific needs and goals of the business.


Here's the updated list of frequently asked questions we do receive for GoHighLevel vs ActiveCampaign.

Which platform is better for sales automation: GoHighLevel or ActiveCampaign?

GoHighLevel is generally considered to be better for sales automation, offering features such as deal management, appointment scheduling, and more.

Which platform is better for marketing automation: GoHighLevel or ActiveCampaign?

While GoHighLevel does offer some marketing automation features, such as SMS marketing and Facebook ad integration, it is primarily designed as a CRM platform with some marketing automation capabilities.

Which platform has better customer support: GoHighLevel or ActiveCampaign?

Users often reported faster response times and more personalized support from GoHighLevel, while others have had better experiences with ActiveCampaign's support team.

Can GoHighLevel integrate with other tools?

Yes, GoHighLevel integrates with a variety of third-party tools such as Zapier, Google Sheets, and more.

Can GoHighLevel and ActiveCampaign be used together?

Yes, GoHighLevel and ActiveCampaign can be used together, as they offer integration options to allow for the transfer of data between the two platforms.

Final Verdict

Now, we have compared the two software – GoHighLevel vs ActiveCampaign, which tool is best for your business needs?

If you're looking for a platform with comprehensive CRM and automation features, GoHighLevel is a perfect option. Because this is the primary purpose of HighLevel.

ActiveCampaign, on the other hand, its primary purpose is email marketing, and then later adds CRM features to its features base.

This means that GoHighLevel would be the best option among the two considering all factors.

With GoHighLevel, you can transform the way you run your business and then start making more money off your little efforts.

That is all for GoHighLevel vs ActiveCampaign. GoHighLevel vs ActiveCampaign.

Which one are you going to use? GoHighLevel or ActiveCampaign?

Try GoHighLevel for 14 Days FREE NOW.

GoHighLevel vs ActiveCampaign

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