We will be looking at the complete steps on How to Use ContentBot to Create Content.

We will also explain ContentBot.ai's entire dashboard to you and how to use it, including the long-form feature.

If this is what you will like to learn about, then you need to keep on reading this.

These days, every marketer and content creator wants to know about how AI writing software can help their business grow.

And one of the questions asked is “How to Use ContentBot to Create Content” since it’s a great AI writing tool.

The truth is, regardless of where you fall in content creation, ContentBot attends to your writing needs.

Having a great AI tool like ContentBot under you means you will be able to create content faster and more efficiently.

Without further ado, let’s get started!

Dashboard Overview of ContentBot

Dashboard Overview of ContentBot image
How to Use ContentBot to Create Content

After you must have signed up with ContentBot.ai, the first thing that you will see is the image above which is your dashboard.

The one numbered 1 to 3 is a way to fast-track what you want to do right away on ContentBot.

As you can see it has;

  • Write Content
  • Rephrase Content
  • Check for Plagiarism

But we aren’t doing any of those yet.

I will first explain each feature as I have numbered them above and then go deep into it in subsequent paragraphs.

I will also show you what you can do with each feature and how to properly do it.

Here’s a quick break-down of  the features as numbered above;

  1. Write Feature: Here, you can generate all your marketing copies, including short-form and long-form content. 
  2. Paraphrase Feature: Here, you can rephrase your content including paragraphs, email copies, and total blog posts. You can paraphrase 2000 words per click.
  3. Plagiarism Checker: Here, you can check whether your copy is plagiarism free or not.
  4. Content Automation: Here, you can create full blog posts (750+ words), blog topic ideas, and marketing ideas automatically created and emailed to you daily, weekly or monthly.
  5. Discover Feature: Here, you can explore the topic you plan to write about by region, for example, you can explore the topic in the USA.
  6. Folders: Here, you save your work in folders that you can always revert to later, thus making you be more organized.
  7. Credits: The credits feature is where you check the writing credits remaining in your account.
  8. Contact Feature: A contact feature is a place you can chat with customer support should be in case you need help.

Now that you have learned the various features available on ContentBot.

It is time to learn how to properly use each feature to your maximum advantage.

Let’s start!

#1: How to Use ContentBot Write Feature

In order to use the ContentBot write feature, you need t log in to your account.

You will have the dashboard that was explained above.

Next, you can either click on 1 in the numbered 1 to 8 or click one in the number 1 to 3, you will still arrive at the page below.

ContentBot Write Feature Page
How to Use ContentBot to Create Content

Here, you have 3 options, which are;

  • Longform: If you want to create long-form content or a full blog post.
  • Short-form: If you want to create short-form copy like blog intro, tweet, blog outlines, etc.
  • InstructBot: The InstructBot feature allows you to talk to the bot to perform a particular task, eg, write a blog post about football.

Now, we will take it one after the other and make a practical guide with it.

How to Use ContentBot Longform

In order to use the ContentBot long-form feature, you need to click on the “Long-form copy” that shows up first the other time you click on write.

Next, you will have the page below.

ContentBot longform feature page-1
How to Use ContentBot to Create Content

Here, you have 3 options which are;

  • Blog Copy
  • Press Release
  • Summarize

For the sake of this tutorial, we will be focusing on the “Blog Copy”.

And for the “Blog Copy”, you have 4 options under it, which are:

  • Documents: The documents contain all your projects on ContentBot. You can also start new documents like blog shots, wizard, blank copies, etc. Here's what it looks like.
ContentBot documents page
  • Blog Shot: Here, you can create a blog post of over 1200 within a minute.
ContentBot blog shot
  • Wizard: The wizard is a page that allows you to follow to provide instructions to the AI based on what has been programmed.
CoontentBot wizard
  • Blank Document: Here, you can create a blog post from the beginning to the end, you can see this like a WordPress dashboard editor.
ContentBot blank document

Now that you have understood what each stands for and uses for.

The next you will want to learn now is how to properly use them.

Those features are actually simple and straightforward, if you aren't new online, then making use of them will be simple for you.

But if you feel like it's complicated, then watch the video below, it gives you the total walk-through of how it works.

Watch and watch again, then practice along, that is how you will master it.

With that, let's check how to use ContentBot InstructBot and the short-form feature.

How to Use ContentBot InstructBot

The ContentBot makes it possible for you to instruct the bot to perform a particular task.

For example, you can tell the AI writer to help you create a Twitter post and it will do that.

You can also ask the AI question and is going to provide an answer to you.

Using the ContentBot InstructBot feature appears to be the simplest of all because it's actually very easy.

In order to use the ContentBot InstructBot, access your dashboard and click on the write feature which is the first icon.

Select #3, which is the InstructBot, from there you can ask the bot anything or instruct the bot to write an article for you.

For example, I asked the AI bot that “is Elon Musk intelligent?” and you will be surprised by the answers I got.

Here's the answer.

ContentBot instructbot example

Yes, Elon Musk is a very intelligent person as we all know.

This makes the answer to be very correct and I give kudos to the AI for its excellent job.

You can follow the same process to ask the AI writing assistant question or to perform a task.

And that leads us to the next step.

How to Use ContentBot Short-form

ContentBot short-form allows you to create all forms of short copies very fast and efficiently.

You can create a series of short copies such as;

  • Blog intro
  • Tweet
  • Paragraph
  • Blog outlines
  • Blog topic ideas
  • Quora Question
  • Blog Conclusion
  • Change Tone
  • Bullet Point Expander
  • Listicle, etc.

So, how do you make use of ContentBot short-form copy?

Click on write which is the first icon on the left-hand side of your dashboard and you would have the page below.

ContentBot sshortform-copy and longform
How to Use ContentBot

The next thing you need to do is to click on the Short-form copy which is in the middle.

Next, you would have the page below.

ContentBot short form templates

What we have above are templates that are available on the platform.

The templates are arranged based on their popularity.

Also, if you don't see the template you are looking for right away, you can use the search button to search for it.

The search button is located at the top right-hand corner of the templates section.

Alternatively, you can also filter it out, the filter is at the top left-hand corner of the app.

ContentBot shortform filter.

The folder is divided into categories;

  • Copywriting
  • Marketing
  • Social Media
  • Other
  • My Favourites

You only need to click on the one that defines what you want to do and you will be good to go.

So, after selecting a template that you want to use, the next thing is to click on it.

For example, I clicked on the blog intro template, and I was redirected to the page below.

ContentBot blog intro template
How to Use ContentBot

As you can see above, I already put in my article name, and I select the tone to be professional.

In addition, I also put my output to be 2. You can only generate max of 3 as of the time I was writing how to use ContentBot.

So, after everything has been set up correctly like the way it's above, the next thing to click is “Generate Inspiration” which is at the bottom of the page.

So, after clicking “Generate Inspiration”, here are the results that I got.

ContentBot blog intro result

Make sense right? Yes, it's!

If you want the AI to generate more, just click on the “Generate More” button at the bottom of the result page.

And the AI writing assistant will generate more for you.

Repeat the same process to generate more short-form copies.

#2: How to Use ContentBot Rephrase Feature

If you have any paragraphs or any form of copies you would like to rephrase, then this is for you.

The good thing about this is that you could rephrase up to 2000 words at a go.

So, in order to use the ContentBot rephrase feature, follow these steps;

  • Login to your account to access your dashboard.
  • Click on rephrase at the left-hand side of the user interface.
  • Paste your content in the space provided for that.
  • And click “Rephrase my content”, sit back, and watch the AI doing wonders.

Let’s take an example!

I have a login to my account and I want to rephrase the sentence below.

“Here, we are talking about How to Use ContentBot to Create Content and we are in the rephrase feature section”.

On your dashboard, click on icon number 2 on the left-hand side and paste the sentence in the space provided for that.

How to Use ContentBot to Create Content - rephrase feature
How to Use ContentBot to Create Content

Note: The H1, H2, H3, H4 you see there are is if the content you want to rephrase is a full blog post and you want it to mind the headings, then you need to make use of the Hs.

After everything has been properly set up, including the Hs if needed, then click on “Rephrase my Content” at the bottom of the page.

Then you are good to go.

If you find anything difficult, you also make use of the video below.

Let's check the next one.

#3: How to Use ContentBot Plagiarism Checker

Crafting good blog posts is essential to your marketing success online.

However, having a good blog post that is full of plagiarism can leads to a low ranking.

In fact, you will definitely face a penalty from Google. There's no IF to this, it's certain.

Note: Keep at the back of your mind that all the content generated by ContentBot.ai are original.

However, you might have other copies or you just want to check to confirm if the content generated is original.

Then you should consider using the plagiarism feature.

In order to use the ContentBot plagiarism feature, access your account, on your dashboard, and click on icon 3 on the left-hand side.

The other side will have a page that has been provided for that.

How to Use ContentBot Plagiarism Checker
How to Use ContentBot

Copy and paste your copy as you can see in the space above.

And click on “Check Copy” on the downside.

The next page will provide you with results on whether your copy is plagiarism free or not.

Repeat the same process to check for more copies!

#4: How to Use ContentBot Content Automation

The ContentBot automation makes it possible for you to create full blog posts automatically.

Including blog topic ideas, and marketing ideas emailed to you daily, weekly, or monthly.

This feature is only available on ContentBot premium and premium+ packages.

Which is quite affordable.

In order to make sure you get it right straight, I have included this two minutes video to it.

Warch and apply what you learned.

ContentBot Automation Demo

If after watching the video above and somethings aren't still clear to you, just use the comment section below.

I will reply as fast as possible!

#5: How to Use ContentBot Discover Feature

ContentBot discovers feature is designed in order to help you discover what people are searching for in a specific region.

If you are planning to market to a specific country, then ContentBot discovers feature would be a go-to for you.

Because while setting up the discover feature, you will be asked for the region you are targeting.

And selecting region means you are targeting there.

Let's take a look at how to use it now.

Access your dashboard and click on icon 5 as explained above.

ContentBot discover feature interface
How to Use ContentBot

As you can see above that I was trying to explore content marketing and the keyword that best describes it is content marketing.

While the region I was targeting is the United States.

After everything has been filled up from your end too, click on “Discover Topic” on the right-hand side.

And you would have your 1500 words content written on the next page.

Fact-check it and publish it, it's that simple.

Note: The discover feature is powered by SEMRush, so you can be sure that your content is going to rank on search engines.

If you need an explainer video, then you can use the video below for that.

Repeat the same process to discover a topic and have more content created in the blink of an eye.

#6: How to Set Up Folders on ContentBot

Here, you will learn how to create folders on ContentBot.

The essence of including this page is to help you be more organized on ContentBot.

So, what are the things you can do with ContentBot folders?

They're things you already do on your laptop folders or Google Drive folders.

To save your work in categories or by keywords.

In order to set up a folder on ContentBot, you need to log in to your account.

Once you are on your ContentBot.ai dashboard, you need to click on icon 6 which I also numbered 6 above.

Once you click on it, you will have the page below pop.

How to Set Up Folders on ContentBot
How to Use ContentBot

Click on “Add” as the arrow is pointing above and you would have the page below.

How to use ContentBot
How to Use ContentBot

As you can see on the page above, you need to put in your folder name, like mine is “Tutorial Folder”.

After naming your folder based on what you need it for, click on “Add”.

And you will see the folder appears at the bottom of folders like a drop-down menu, just like the image below.

ContentBot folders created
How to Use ContentBot

Repeat the same process to create more folders.

And that leads us to the next one.

#7: How to Check Your Remaining Writing Credits

When working, you need to keep note of your remaining writing credits.

This would most be necessary if you have subscribed for the ContentBot prepaid package.

However, you don't need to worry about this if you are on the premium or premium+ plan.

So, in order to check your writing credits, follow these steps;

  • Login to your account to access your dashboard.
  • Click on credits on the left-hand side and you will see it displayed like the one below.
Check remaining writing credits on ContentBot image
How to use ContentBot to Create Content

Note: The writing credits icon is the one I numbered 7 in the dashboard overview.

#8: ContentBot Customer Support

Paradventually while using the app, you entered system glitches, something isn't clear to you or there's an error in your writing credits.

The best people that could help you out is ContentBot customer support.

Thus, contacting them is necessary.

In order to contact ContentBot customer support, on your dashboard, head over to the chat icon that is displayed on the left-hand side of the user interface.

The one I numbered 8 above and you will be able to send Nick and his team a message.

ContentBot customer support

In my experience, they typically reply in less than 2 hours and it is faster if you are on the premium or premium+ account.

Note: I have numbered them 1 to 8 based on the way I have numbered them in dashboard overview, so you might need to always go back to check where you are.

Learn More:

How to Use ContentBot: Conclusion

The easiest way to write all forms of marketing copies is with ContentBot.

It is literally perfect for any business that engages in writing business online.

Or even for all forms of online business since you will always write in one way or the other.

Once you understand how to use ContentBot, then what you can do with it become limitless.

One advantage of ContentBot is that it offers a low affordable price compared to its competitors.

Its fees are beginner's pocket friendly with lots of great features which is why I love the AI writing software.

Give it a try and you won't regret it.

With that, we have come to the end of how to use ContentBot.

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