If you are a contractor or you own a construction company and you want to land more clients, become organized and literarily explode your business this year, then GoHighLevel for Contractors is all that you need.

If you are a contractor and you're looking for a tool that can help you run marketing campaigns, generate leads, and literarily increase your sales. HighLevl is the perfect solution.

It doesn’t matter what type of contractor.

It could be:

  • Roofers or roofing contractors
  • Home Improvement or Remodeling contractors
  • Painting Contractors
  • Building contractors
  • Industrial contractors
  • Plumbers
  • Electricians
  • Drywaller

You name it.

GoHighLevel stands out as an all-in-one CRM tool solution that has features and tools tailored to meet the unique needs of contractors.

  • GoHighLevel is an all-in-one CRM tool that has features and tools designed to help contractors streamline their business operations.
  • Using GoHighLevel, contractors can create custom websites, snapshots, and funnel templates, automate their sales and marketing processes, and track their progress with built-in analytics and reporting tools.
  • With GoHighLevel, contractors can save time, increase efficiency and, save time on repetitive tasks.

GoHighLevel for Contractors takes 4.8 out of 5 stars because the platform has tools that are specifically designed to increase overall efficiency for contractors.

This post will walk you through all there's to know about using GoHighLevel for contractors and construction companies.

What is a Contractor Funnel? [Simple Explanation]

A contractor funnel is a structured series of steps designed to attract, engage, and convert potential clients into actual customers. It begins by creating brand awareness and guiding prospects through each stage of the buying journey with designed content for each stage.

Sales Funnel Explained in Diagram

This simple innovative approach aligns with the unique needs of contractors, because it provides a framework that enhances visibility, engages prospects effectively, and converts them into valuable clients.

It operates in several stages, each focused on a specific aspect of the client journey.

Contractor Funnel Stages:

  • Awareness Stage: At this stage, you attract a broad audience through channels like social media and online advertising.
  • Interest Stage: You need to showcase expertise through valuable content, case studies, and success stories of your past clients to make potential clients develop an interest in your brand.
  • Consideration Stage: There's a need for you to nurture leads with in-depth information, webinars, and personalized communication. It contributes greatly if a client chooses you over competitors.
  • Decision Stage: This is a stage where you offer compelling proposals and estimates, that lead to contract finalization.
  • Retention: You should aim to build a long-term relationship with the client so that you continue to get recurring constructions in the future.

When you provide a detailed exploration of each stage, you can effectively leverage GoHighLevel to optimize your funnel strategy.

From building awareness to securing contracts, GHL has tools to the unique requirements of contractors, which ensures a streamlined and effective client acquisition process.

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How Does GoHighLevel Work for Contractors?

GoHighLevel Homepage

GoHighLevels is an ultimate CRM tool and funnel builder that has features and tools designed specifically for contractors and construction companies.

Using GoHighLevel, you can create and customize pre-built funnels and snapshots designed for the construction industry. You don't need to hire any technical team that will not bring results before you use GHL.

Using GoHighLevel for construction, you can effortlessly generate leads, create proposals and estimates, finalize deals and, ultimately increase sales for your construction business.

It combines various essential elements like web hosting, landing pages, e-signatures, and autoresponders into one platform, which keeps you organized and makes it a comprehensive solution for your marketing needs.

I have personally been using GoHighLevel for the past 2 years to market my business effortlessly and I can boldly say that GoHighLevel works for contractors and construction companies.

GoHighLevel for contractors comes with key benefits:

  • Effortless creation of captivating landing pages for lead capture.
  • Automation of marketing campaigns with personalized messaging at every stage of the client journey.
  • Utilization of advanced features like custom funnels for flexible purchase options and convenient payment plans.
  • Increased sales productivity and efficiency through user-friendly services.
  • A/B testing on landing pages to optimize lead capture and conversion rates.
  • Customizable funnel configurations, including order bumps and upsells, to maximize revenue potential.
  • Launching retargeting campaigns to engage with past visitors and convert them into valuable leads or clients.
  • Access to booking appointment tools integrated with the GoHighLevel CRM.

GoHighLevel is effective for contractors, with thousands of customers in the contractor business industry experiencing tremendous success and growth by utilizing this software. So GoHighLevel for contractors works well.

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How to Use GoHighLevel for Contractors

In this section, I break down exactly how to use GoHighLevel for contractors and construction companies. I also attached detailed steps on how to use Proposals and Estimates which you can replicate and start using right away.

#1. Create a Free GoHighLevel Account

This step to begin using GoHighLevel for contractors is by creating an account.

You should sign up for the free trial, you will use the trial period to understand and set things together before full commitment.

To sign up for the trial, go to GoHighLevel.com/14-day-trial and click on the button that says “Start Your 14-Day Trial“.

You will be required to supply your basic information upon clicking that.

gohighlevel sign up 1
GoHighLevel for Freelancer

You need to supply:

  • Company name
  • Your full name
  • Email address
  • Phone number

After that, click on “Go To Step #2” and you will be asked to provide your credit card details – You will not be debited anything until the end of your GoHighLevel trial.

gohighlevel sign up 2
GoHighLevel for Freelancer

You will be required to select a plan. The Agency Unlimited plan is more suitable for contractors and construction companies.

At the end of your trial, you will have access to a huge discount if you opt-in to the yearly plan.

GoHighLevel Annual Subscription Upgrade
GoHighLevel for Freelancer

You get a 17% discount instead of the normal price.

#2. Set Up Your Account

gohighlevel crm dashboard

Upon signing up, you will have access to your dashboard which looks like the image above.

What you need to do is go to your profile and settings, then set up everything that has to do with your construction company.

Should be in case you're not sure of some things yet, it should not stop you from moving to the next page because you can always change them later.

So, just fill it up anyhow it comes now and refine it later as you grow or as the need arises.

#3. Create your Funnels or Use Snapshots

The next thing is to create your first funnel or at least set up your construction company website.

And GoHighLevel has your back for this.

You do not need to be a programmer, hire one, or use an expert to set it up – none of them is applicable when it comes to Go High Level.

You can easily set it up yourself self and to do that, you can either use templates or snapshots that is if you don't want to build from scratch.

Snapshots are pre-built templates or blueprints designed to save you time and effort. They include ready-made campaign workflows and configurations tailored for various industries or business needs and there's one for Construction businesses.

Here's what Snapshots looks like on GoHighLevel.

gohighlevel pre-made snapshots

Templates pre-designed layouts and structures for various marketing elements like funnels, emails, and websites. They serve as starting points, providing users with a foundation that can be customized to fit specific needs.

Here is what funnel templates look like on GoHighLevel.

gohighlevel templates

What you need to do now is to either pick up a Snapshots or funnel template and tweak it to your construction business needs using the drag-and-drop feature on GoHighLevel.

And that leads us to the next step.

#4. Capture Leads

To grow your business and bring in more eye-ball, you need to continue to capture new leads and you can also use templates on GoHighLevel to create a lead funnel.

Here's what the lead funnel template looks like on GoHighLevel.

GoHighLevel Email Templates

Pick one and tweak it to your construction business needs. Use the lead capture forms strategically across your website, landing pages, and social media channels.

Craft compelling forms that provide clear value propositions, encouraging visitors to willingly share their contact information. This enhances your ability to gather potential client details effectively.

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#5. Automate Your Follow-up


Upon creating your funnel and lead template. After you have started generating templates, the next thing is to automate your follow-up to ensure no leads go to waste.

As with the previous steps, save yourself the stress of starting from scratch and just pick up templates and customize them according to your business needs.

With this feature, you will be able to establish automated email sequences and SMS campaigns dedicated to nurturing your leads.

Tailor your messages for a personalized touch, delivering valuable content that not only fosters trust but also keeps your leads actively engaged in the process.

#6. Manage your Contacts

Make use of the GoHighLevel robust contact management features to systematically organize and categorize your leads.

This will help you to stay on top of your contact's interactions, preferences, and pertinent details related to their construction requirements, which ensures a well-organized and streamlined approach to client relationships.

#7. Track and Analyze your Campaigns

Harness the power of GoHighLevel's advanced analytics tools to monitor the performance of your funnels and campaigns.

You can track key metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and engagement levels. These insights provide a valuable understanding of the effectiveness of your strategies, enabling informed decisions for optimization and success.

#8. Provide Exceptional Customer Service

Image for provide customer support
GoHighLevel for Contractors

Make use of the GoHighLevel's versatile communication features, including SMS and email, to maintain seamless contact with your clients.

Send timely updates, share valuable property information, and provide personalized offers to enhance your customer service and keep your clients engaged.

#9. Continuously Optimize and Refine

Consistently review and analyze your campaigns, funnels, and customer interactions using GoHighLevel's robust analytics tools.

This will help you to embrace a data-driven approach, allowing you to make informed decisions and implement strategic improvements. This iterative process enhances your results and maximizes success in your role as a real estate agent.

Contractors captivate potential clients by presenting compelling offers on their landing pages, enticing them with valuable services or free consultations.

Upon sign-up, clients can either be redirected to the offered service or choose to schedule an appointment, book a call, or take any desired action.

This streamlined process ensures simplicity and effectiveness in engaging potential clients for contractors.

The process is simple and effective.

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How to Use Proposals and Estimates on GHL

Proposals and Estimates are important tools in the contractor's business industry and GoHighLevel for contractors offers this feature.

GoHighLevel allows users to create and send professional proposals and estimates to clients. The platform's Proposal and Estimate features enable users to generate detailed documents outlining the scope of work, pricing, and other relevant details.

This functionality streamlines the process of presenting service offerings to clients, enhancing professionalism and efficiency in client communication.

Let me break it down a bit for you.

What are Proposals?

Proposals on GoHighLevel are powerful documents that allow users to present detailed service offerings to clients in a professional and customizable format. These proposals serve as comprehensive outlines of the scope of work, pricing details, and any other relevant information related to the services being offered.

Use Cases of Proposals are:

  • Project Bidding
  • Launching New Products/Services
  • Partnership or Collaboration
  • Grant Applications
  • Investment Attraction
  • Contract Renewal or Modification

What are Estimates?

Estimates on GoHighLevel serve as detailed cost breakdowns for services or products, providing clients with a transparent overview of expected expenses.

Use Cases of Estimates are:

  • Initial Client Engagement
  • Budget Planning
  • Quick Sales Process
  • Feasibility Study
  • Event Planning
  • Insurance Claims

So, how do I use Proposals and Estimates on GoHighLevel?

Proposals and Estimates are easy to set up provided you are using GoHighLevel for contractors.

To create proposals or estimates on GoHighLevel go to Payments ➝ Proposals & Estimates. Then click on New> Select either creating a Proposal or an Estimate:

gohighlevel proposals and estimates

The image below shows where to click either new proposals or new estimates.

gohighlevel new proposals or estimates

From here, you can begin to design either your new proposals or estimates using the drag-and-drop features in the editor mode.

Here's what the editor mode looks like.


You can add different elements and customize it to your taste:

  • Text
  • Font Style
  • Font Size
  • Line Height
  • Background Color
  • Videos
  • Etc.

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GoHighLevel Contractor Templates & Examples

Here, we will explore different contractor templates that GoHighLevel offers.

GoHighLevel for Contractors Snapshot

gohighlevel pre-made snapshots
GoHighLevel for Contractors

Within GoHighLevel, there are two primary perspectives: the Agency View and the Sub-Account View.

  • Agency View: In the Agency View, you gain access to overarching settings for the entire GoHighLevel platform. This includes global configurations, educational resources, and the option to acquire additional services.
  • Sub-Account View: The Sub-Account View is your dedicated space to leverage the full spectrum of GoHighLevel features tailored specifically for your contracting business. Upon your initial registration with GoHighLevel, establishing a sub-account for your business is a pivotal step. To streamline this process and equip you with valuable tools right from the start, GoHighLevel introduces Snapshots.

Snapshots: Snapshots are pre-constructed sub-accounts that come equipped with ready-to-deploy marketing campaigns and workflows. This feature not only saves you valuable time but also eliminates the need to create everything from the ground up.

You can always work with snapshots to make your journey easier with GoHighLevel.

GoHighLevel for Contractors Funnel Templates

gohighlevel templates
GoHighLevel for Contractors

In the realm of contractors, GoHighLevel offers an arsenal of approximately 40 pre-designed funnel templates.

These templates cater to various aspects crucial for contractors, including appointments, lead generation, buyer lists, project exploration, customer acquisitions, service offerings, and more.

The beauty of these templates lies in their adaptability – you can effortlessly tailor them to suit the unique needs and goals of your contracting business.

GoHighLevel for Contractors Website Templates

GoHighLevel Website Templates
GoHighLevel for Contractors

With GoHighLevel, you get 25 customizable templates for contractor websites. Use the same editing tool to create unlimited sites for different purposes, such as showcasing services or locations.

GoHighLevel for Contractors Email Templates

GoHighLevel Email Templates
GoHighLevel for Contractors

In GoHighLevel, you get contracting email templates covering listings, buyer/seller tips, and newsletters. Simply add your content and call to action to personalize them. Send these emails to keep clients informed about construction updates and drive traffic to your website.

GoHighLevel Marketing Campaigns for Contractor Clients

GoHighLevel Marketing Campaigns
GoHighLevel for Contractors

GoHighLevel's workflow builder gives you full command over your marketing efforts. Whether you prefer ready-made or custom campaigns, this tool is flexible.

You can design campaigns with SMS, emails, and calls, automating tasks like lead management and calendar updates. This automation feature is a time-saver, ensuring you never overlook opportunities while freeing you up for other constructing business priorities.

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Key GoHighLevel Features for Contractors

GoHighLevel offers several features but here are the key ones tailored to GoHighLevel for Contractors.

#1. CRM for Efficient Client Management

GoHighLevel's CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool for contractors streamlines client interactions and enhances project management.

With this feature, contractors can:

  • Organize Contacts: Efficiently manage client contacts, categorizing them based on projects, preferences, and communication history.
  • Project-Specific Communication: You will be able to tailor communications to specific projects, which ensures targeted and personalized client interactions.
  • Task Tracking: You can keep track of tasks related to each project, which helps you stay organized and meet deadlines.

This CRM functionality empowers contractors to provide a personalized and organized experience for clients throughout the project lifecycle.

#2. Sales Funnel Creation and Automation

GoHighLevel offers a robust platform for contractors to create and automate sales funnels, optimizing lead conversion and project acquisition.

Here's how contractors can leverage this feature:

  • Lead Generation Funnels: Develop targeted funnels to attract potential clients interested in specific services offered by your brand.
  • Automated Follow-ups: Implement automated follow-up sequences to nurture leads, providing timely and relevant information to move them through the sales process.
  • Customizable Sales Processes: Tailor sales processes based on the nature of services offered to a particular client, which ensures a seamless and effective conversion journey.

By utilizing sales funnel creation and automation, you can enhance lead generation, improve conversion rates, and create a more efficient client acquisition process.

#3. Email and SMS Campaigns for Client Engagement

Communication is key in the contracting business, and GoHighLevel facilitates effective engagement through email and SMS campaigns.

Contractors can:

  • Personalized Messaging: Send personalized messages to clients, keeping them informed about project updates, timelines, and other relevant information.
  • Automated Appointment Reminders: Set up automated reminders for client appointments, reducing no-shows and ensuring a smooth project flow.
  • Timely Communication: Stay connected with clients throughout the project lifecycle, enhancing overall client satisfaction.

This feature ensures you maintain proactive and personalized communication, fostering stronger client relationships.

#4. Appointment Scheduling and Reminders

Efficient appointment management is crucial for contractors, and GoHighLevel's scheduling and reminder features offer valuable support:

  • User-Friendly Scheduling: Allow clients to easily schedule appointments based on the contractor's availability, improving convenience for both parties.
  • Automated Reminders: Send automated reminders to clients before scheduled appointments, reducing the likelihood of missed meetings or consultations.
  • Integrated Calendar: Sync appointments with the calendar for seamless project planning and time management.

With streamlined appointment scheduling and reminders, you can enhance the client experience, reduce scheduling conflicts, and maintain a well-organized project timeline.

#5. Project Management and Task Tracking Tools

Successful project execution requires meticulous planning and organization. GoHighLevel provides contractors with project management and task tracking tools to:

  • Task Assignments: Assign tasks to team members or subcontractors, ensuring everyone is clear on their responsibilities.
  • Real-Time Task Updates: Track task progress in real-time, allowing for quick adjustments and effective project management.
  • Project-Specific Dashboards: Access project-specific dashboards for a comprehensive overview of tasks, milestones, and timelines.

These project management features empower contractors to efficiently oversee projects, meet deadlines, and deliver exceptional results.

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Benefits of GoHighLevel for Contractors

GoHighLevel, a comprehensive CRM tool, revolutionizes the way contractors manage and grow their businesses.

Here are the key benefits of using GoHighLevel for contractors:

  • Effortless Customization

With GoHighLevel, you can easily customize the tool to your construction business needs.

  • Pre-Built Templates & Snapshots

GoHighLevel provides contractors with access to a library of pre-built, professionally designed templates. These templates cover various aspects of contracting, from lead capturing to project management, offering a quick and efficient starting point.

  • Simplified Sales Funnel Building

Building sales funnels is a breeze with GoHighLevel. You can choose from a variety of pre-built funnels designed for different purposes, such as lead generation, project inquiries, and service offerings. The simplicity of the process allows you to focus on your business rather than intricate funnel creation.

  • A/B Testing Capabilities

GoHighLevel empowers contractors with A/B testing features, which enable you to test different variations of their funnels before launching. This functionality ensures that you can optimize your funnels for maximum effectiveness, leading to improved conversion rates.

  • Automated Webinars

Hosting webinars becomes a seamless process with GoHighLevel. Contractors, whether conducting live or automated webinars, can set up the entire process effortlessly on the platform. This automation not only saves time but also enhances the overall webinar experience for potential clients.

  • Cost-Effective and User-Friendly

GoHighLevel is designed to be simple and cost-effective, making it an ideal solution for contractors. The platform's user-friendly interface ensures that contractors can navigate and utilize its features without the need for extensive training or technical expertise.

  • Multiple Domains

Contractors can organize different stages of their business by creating multiple domains within the same platform. This organizational feature helps contractors manage various aspects of their projects efficiently and keep their business operations well-structured.

  • SSL Certification for Security

GoHighLevel provides contractors with SSL certification, ensuring that their funnels are secure. The SSL certificate not only safeguards sensitive information but also instills trust in potential clients, contributing to the overall credibility of the contractor's business.

GoHighLevel empowers contractors to enhance their online visibility, streamline operations, and engage effectively with clients, ultimately leading to improved business growth and success.

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Lead Generation for Contractors

In this section, I will cover how you can use GoHighLevel to generate leads for your contractor business.

#1. Craft an Eye-Catching Landing Page

The journey with GoHighLevel for your contracting business begins with the creation of an attention-grabbing landing page.

This strategic page should feature compelling content, engaging visuals, and explicit calls-to-action designed to prompt visitors to share their contact details.

Furthermore, leverage this landing page to extract more specific information from potential clients, such as budget constraints and preferred project types.

This enhances your understanding of their needs, allowing you to tailor your services accordingly.

#2. Use an Automated Follow-Up System

Following the acquisition of your client's contact details, GoHighLevel becomes a valuable asset in establishing an automated follow-up system.

This system nurtures leads until they are ready to make informed decisions, utilizing various channels like email, text messages, phone calls, and other communication avenues.

GoHighLevel's customization capabilities empower you to create sequences delivering personalized content based on your client's specific project preferences.

This targeted approach enhances sales efficiency, providing a seamless and tailored experience for your customers.

#3. Utilize Remarketing and Retargeting Campaigns

After gathering client information, GoHighLevel enables the creation of remarketing and retargeting campaigns specifically targeting those leads.

This powerful tool tracks campaign performance and facilitates necessary adjustments for optimal return on investment.

Conducted through channels like display ads, search engine marketing campaigns, and email campaigns, GoHighLevel simplifies the process by offering a user-friendly interface for integrating tracking pixels from different ad networks.

Effortlessly implement effective remarketing and retargeting strategies to stay engaged with leads and enhance conversion rates.

#4. Host Automated Webinars

GoHighLevel extends its capabilities by allowing you to effortlessly create and launch automated webinars for your potential clients.

This feature broadens your reach and helps establish trust with your leads. Conduct informative webinars on topics relevant to the contracting industry, showcasing your services, addressing common questions, and providing valuable insights.

Additionally, leverage industry professionals like subcontractors or material suppliers as guest speakers in your webinars to enhance credibility and expertise within the contracting community.

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Traffic Generation: GHL for Contractors

Every online business thrives on traffic, and for contractors using GoHighLevel, here are some savvy strategies to enhance exposure and generate more traffic.

#1. Leverage Facebook

Optimize Your Facebook Page:

  • Set up a professional profile picture and an eye-catching banner related to your contracting business.
  • Clearly state your role as a contractor in the bio and include a link back to your GoHighLevel contractor funnel.

Utilize 360 Video and Photo Ads:

  • Run Facebook ads with 360 videos and photos showcasing your projects, offering potential clients a virtual tour of your work.
  • Link these ads directly to your contractor funnel on GoHighLevel for a seamless user experience.

Engage with Facebook Live:

  • Use Facebook Live to provide an unedited and authentic view of your ongoing projects.
  • Connect with potential clients in real-time, answering questions and building trust through direct interactions.

#2. Harness Google and SEO

Optimize for Local SEO:

  • Start by claiming your Google My Business (GMB) page, ensuring consistent NAP details across your funnel and websites.
  • Focus on local SEO strategies to enhance visibility for potential clients searching in your service area.

Content-Rich Website:

  • Develop a content-rich website that attracts visitors and seamlessly guides them into your GoHighLevel contractor funnel.
  • Implement local SEO tactics, incorporating relevant keywords and location-specific content.

Setting Up Your Website:

  1. Domain Registration:
    • If you don't have one, acquire a domain for your contracting business.
    • Sign up for a hosting account on platforms like Bluehost.com for a straightforward process.
  2. Content Creation:
    • Craft engaging content for your website, emphasizing your expertise, services, and successful projects.
    • Ensure a seamless connection to your GoHighLevel contractor funnel for effective lead capture.

Implementing these strategies will not only drive organic traffic but also enhance the online presence of your contracting business, maximizing the potential for lead generation and business growth.

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GoHighLevel for Contractors: FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions about GoHighLevel for Contractors.

Can GoHighLevel be customized to the needs of my contracting business?

How can pre-built templates benefit my contracting business on GoHighLevel?

Is GoHighLevel cost-effective and suitable for contractors?

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GoHighLvel for Contractors: Final Words

GoHighLevel stands out as an invaluable asset for contractors, providing a comprehensive solution to streamline various aspects of their business operations.

With a user-friendly interface, customizable features, and a range of pre-built templates, contractors can effortlessly enhance their lead generation, project management, and marketing strategies.

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In essence, GoHighLevel not only simplifies the complexities of contractor operations but also empowers them to thrive in a competitive digital landscape.

It is a strategic ally that enables contractors to focus on what they do best while providing the technological backbone needed for sustained success.

Get GoHighLevel for Contractors Here ==>

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